Megan Skye Messier

I hear from your loved ones from the other side. This is your chance to let them talk to you. They have something to say, just like you and I. Let me help you, as I help them. God gave me this gift, and this is not just my job, but my service to God. I believe we are all here to learn, love and help each other in the ways we can.

I am the mother of two sons with a daughter-in-law, grandson, and my dog Baby. I have been helping people with my gift for the past 11 years from coast to coast, locally and remotely. I have been sensitive to the spirit world ever since the age of seven.

I want to thank you for taking this step in opening communication with your lost loved ones. I believe Life does go on after death and our loved ones are still with us and want to guide us in our journey. We all have a vital role in making this the best reading possible. Be sure you are well rested and have taken good care of yourself before our session. It is important that you are as present as possible for your loved ones. That being said I would strongly advise you to refrain from drug or alcohol use before we meet.

I cannot guarantee that everyone you are expecting will come through in our reading but keep in mind that items which are special in light of a particular person will certainly aid in this process. In addition to special items you can record the entire reading. I strongly advise you to take notes the entire reading. Through your notes we will be able to make connections and interpret what your loved ones have been waiting to communicate to you. As your loved ones are drawn to you they will communicate with me by showing an image or visual memory. They may give me a strong feeling, a taste or smell. In other words, through seeing, hearing, sensing, smelling, or tasting. It can be any variation of these, often from more than one loved one trying to come through. Its very important that you and I work together to identify, without a doubt exactly who is coming through. This will give you the validation you need. I am also able to communicate with your loved pets that have passed on, please do not be afraid to ask. You will start to notice the many ways that your loved ones communicate with you throughout your day to day life.

Together We Know Life Goes On.